Skyray - For 480 fan and high performance motor
Another design from master designer Max Zuijdendorp
The Skyrawy is easy to fly!
Special thanks to Ulrich Rexhausen for providing additional pictures of the completed Skyray

3D cad view from the Skyray.

Parts as in the box.

Vacuformed parts included as well.

In the building stage.

Easy battery acces through removable canopy
room for 500ma ,700/800, 10x1250 ma cells

The exhaust. Includes adjustable thrust vector
For 480 fan and high performance motor.
Another design from master designer Max Zuijdendorp.
Thanks to
Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
Unique Tab Lock Design
One Piece Design Easy transportation
Motor/Fan compartment Easy accesable
Battery Acces Through Canopy
Wing Area: -- 18dm2(fuselage incl)
Wing Span; -- 650mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 1100 grams
Wing Loading: 47gr dm2 to 66gr dm2
3 Channel Tailerons & Throttle
Kit Includes:
Photo Instructions
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Vacuformed Canopy and Outlet
PetG Intake Tube , PetG Outlet Tube
No Control Horns , Steering Cables Ball links or hardware in this kit
Required to Complete:
3 Channel Radio.
Light weight Receiver:
Battery: 3S or 4S 3200 lipo
The Skyray needs a 8mmx7,5mtr bungee with 8kg of pulling power.
The Skyray is Easy Flying