Design Features:
- All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
- Unique Tab Lock Design
- One Piece Design
- Wing Area: 45 dm2
- Wing Span: 1030 mm
- Total lenght: 1182mm
- Flight Weight: Starts at 2900 grams
- Wing Loading: 54gr dm2 to 75gr dm2
- 4 Channel, Ailerons, Elevator & Throttle, retracts
Kit Includes:
Photo Instructions Download here instructionsand here pictures
- Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
- Vacuformed Canopy , fairings , nose cone
- Paper Intake Tube , PVC/Paper Outlet Tube
- No Control Horns , Steering Cables etc no Hardware
Required to Complete:
- Any inexpensive 4 Channel Radio
- Light weight Receiver
- Light weight Servos: About 18 grams
- Motor: Hetrc EDF600 serie
- RBC 70 amp Speed Controller
- Wemotec Midi fan or schuberle DS51
- Battery:6S to 8S lipo
- Thick and Thin CA glue, hinges , small screws
- Bungee Launch or Retracts (prepared)
The Cougar is not a upgraded Panther it is a complete new cad design
Some building pictures:

All fine cnccut formers from light ply and balsa

hard paper intace duct

note that the kit version has the fan unit 1 position more forward.

strip planking with 2mm balsa

classic wing build

elevator servo in rudder

wing joined permanent to fuselage

Canopy from clear petg build onto frame , makes also the battery hatch

prepared for retracts air or electric

Finished with 25gr glass and filler dope