Nice movie from Andrej Jemec
F35C 90mm EDF
Design Features:
- All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
- Building frame suplied
- Unique Tab Lock Design
- One Piece Design
- Wing Area: 45 dm2
- Wing Span; 1030 mm
- Lenght :1250mm
- Flight Weight: Starts at 3000 grams
- 4 Channel , Tailerons , Throttle,retracts
Kit Includes:
- Photo Instructions download here
- Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
- Vacuformed Canopy , fairings , nose cone , tail cone
- PVC/Paper Outlet Tube
- No Control Horns or hardware
Required to Complete:
There is no hardware in this kit
- Any inexpensive 4 Channel Radio
- Light weight Receiver:
- Servos: About 25 grams metal gear 2pcs
- Motor: Hetrc EDF650 serie
- Wemotec Midi fan
- Battery:6S to 8S lipo
- Thick and Thin CA glue,
- Bungee Launch or Retracts (prepared)
- braided wire for front retract steering
- canopy closing
- Fastener 2,9x13 4x tailcone
- Fastener 2,9x13 12x for retract mounting
- steering wire 1,5x330 1x
Some build pictures:
A build frame is included in the parts , this makes the fuselage easy to build

All cnc cut wood ply and balsa construction self jigging and aligning

Wing is easy build all balsa , prepared for retracts

Wing fairing hides retracts

All balsa construction with vacuum formed parts to make life easier

large removable hatch for edf unit